Back to think silly I'm cute Ah, on the third morning sidetracked to long beach Sunrise, 4: 30, 5 run to the beach, also ask live drag a Chair, have their things solemn pending.
Sit for 5 minutes, take a look at azimuth, suddenly found the direction of the sunset as yesterday, the Sun should be in the back left behind the Mountains rise ... Ah ... Think also that the Raiders on no one ever mentioned in long beach at sunrise, I can see the sunrise at Angkor sunset view of addiction, from the words of his thought, silly, right?"Crumbles" — my quixotic has emerged, both in for a pound, enjoy a moment of peace is not a bad thing.
Vovage, next to shops of man climbed the coconut palms, pluck coconut deep blue sea hasn't showed its most beautiful colors, sand occasionally have a morning run by foreigners. Although not seen as rising, but the eastern sky was pretty light red, gentle lines outlined the clouds, and sunset the strong sharp contrast, each have their own taste.DAY
Weather, daytime, sea and sand color is my favorite, blue sky and the sea in the distance almost together, sand color is white, pure, simply is a fairyland.
The second day of the evening, we are going to sunset sailing, wait until the change to the beach, sunset sailing is too late, but I looked at sunset and pigs were dumbfounded ...
Even the Angkor sunset mountain nesbakken Stiller-tenth here, that kind of intense red don't know is how to reconcile, God seems to be a bit random patterns, brushes like China's Freehand, has long beach so beautiful sunset.Then it was not long before, the color of the sky and more deeply and more deep, beach tourists gradually dispersed, the night falls.
(The white sand beach in the morning)
(Day of white sand beach)
(Evening huoshaoyun)
(Night of the white sand beach)
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