Sunday, December 12, 2010

November 2007 (3) of the Philippines travel

November 19, Monday

Happy birthday!

Today's natural wake up is 8 points.

First to brother made a short note: happy birthday to you happy birthday and more!

Rent a life jacket into the sea.

Rain has waves, water is not clear, the fish is not much, or not see fisherman, but fine look at the coral reef, also grabbed a chicken dip fish felt, blue starfish, a White Sea Urchin, everywhere. We have several people with like, all up later in the play. Alone in the dark at the end of sea floating there, tired to stick your head out of the water in this way floating, snacked on. Have the guts and will have a free floating around, feel good. Noon also to the town, the first to post postcard, another for a restaurant, or roast chicken and cabbage, mangoes, the taste is better. There are also shops aunt bring the self-made flies sweep (that is, together with the note tied to a thin stick of) at the edges to give our flies, feeling very imperial power. They say that in the past few days to a year of mangoes have come back.

Noon do MASSAGE, manipulation, power not, I can bear.

1 hour 250P, 20 tips that they can be happy. There seems to be too popular a tip, it was not much.

Corruption, corruption, Super Deluxe meals, at least 6 kg heavy garoupa, two large crabs, shrimps, squid, eat the brace, Ah, I'm a big cake there.

Secretly took one look at my cake, HA HA, three candles in front of the side by side, like a cake. Cut, was! don't want to drink beer, try the locals love to drink in the bar. A flat not big brown RUME wine, no marked degree 50P, such packaging such price, um, er Guo TOU, try the Philippines is also good, to drink. The full delicacy as down and took off after fengjuancanyun, there is also one of the thumbs up. The cake is brought back to room, say, digestion, digestion eat yo so that stomach this dinner, and other flat belly down that have come. Or point cut to eat on the candles. The next four Germany who also joined them, accept these know don't know just know friends HAPPY BRITHDAY. One question: HOW OLD a: EIGHTEEN smile. Bought a bottle of "er Guo TOU", a drink, on, a brief chat. Talk to your feelings, talk to the man's mind. In recent years in contact with different people, but also really aware feelings of unreality. Who doesn't enjoy the feeling of love, and each one was in reality.

(Deluxe dinner)

(Good taste)


(Birthday cake)

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